jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Unfortunately Peanut butter

Nope this post is not about pro and cons of  peanut butter...
I heart Peanut butter!!

This post is about funny Dutch sayings translated in English.
As you might now, I am a proper Dutchie but living abroad for almost 7 years now.
Also I am guilty of abusing Dutch sayings , and even worse.. literally translate Dutch sayings to English!

Just for the fun of it, here a couple of them: 

1. Unfortunately Peanut butter...
Meaning nothing else then ´yeah bummer´..   
In Dutch pronounced as Helaas Pindakaas.

2. He went completely the fog in! 
Meaning that the ´he´ did something totally wrong.. 
In Dutch pronounced as: Hij ging helemaal de mist in!

3. I went almost from my little stick! 
Meaning that you almost fainted for a particular reason..
In Dutch pronounced as: Ik ging bijna van mijn stokje!

4. Everything can! Coffeecan, Teacan... The pope can but he may not.. 
Meaning everything is possible , and then the joke behind is that the pope can do it as well, but he is not allowed. 
In Dutch pronounced as: Alles kan! Koffiekan, Theekan, De paus kan maar die mag niet.

5. If you burn your ass, you have to sit on the blisters.
Meaning if you do something stupid,  you are responsible for the consequences.
In Dutch pronounced as: Wie zijn billen brandt, moet op de blaren zitten.

There are many many more , but we keep that for another time!

I hope I made you smile today and Hasta Pronto!


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